New York Times Recognition


By: Jessie Allen

Seeing the New York Times mention our Women’s Wellness Trip as part of the “2019 Top Places to Visit” has us very excited! It makes me reminisce on how this dream first began.

Five years ago, I was leading a guided pack trip with a group of fellas from the South. I had hiked with a father and son to some lakes to fly fish, all off-trail. After fishing with them for a while, I took a solo jaunt for a couple hours to the highest lake, which is fed directly by a glacier. Somewhere I had never been. While scampering, my mind was whirling with ideas. Here I was, guiding an all-male trip (which is always great, don’t get me wrong!) But how could I share these empowering experiences with more women? How could I provide a space that would encourage women of all stages in life to explore the mountains - to feel savvy, capable and connected in the backcountry? On that solo scamper, I felt enlightened, energized, in tune with God, and my dream of leading wellness trips for women became such a clear image, I could practically touch it.

Thank you to all the women who have helped bring this dream to life by joining me, trusting my leadership, trusting yourself, and opening your heart to the experience. Every single one of these brave women has inspired me greatly and uniquely.

Every dream starts with a little flicker. It is up to us to give it momentum and bring the dream to life.